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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a unique laboratory test reflects how nutrient minerals relate to your stress reactions and your energy production.
“Minerals are the basic spark plugs in the chemistry of life”. Henry Schroeder, M.D. and nutritional pioneer, (1906 to 1976).
If you have been dissatisfied with traditional health care and are looking for alternative approaches to boost your energy and manage stress, it may be time to consider a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test.
This unique laboratory test reflects how nutrient minerals relate to your stress reactions and your energy production. The patterns of nutrient minerals that are shown in a HTMA can be read like a mineral map revealing how a person may be functioning physically and psychologically. Are you a fast or a slow metabolizer? A person’s metabolic type is easily determined by a HTMA. A fast metabolizer responds differently to dietary supplements than a slow metabolizer.
A HTMA shows Graphic Patterns of nutrient minerals that display what is happening in a person’s Mind/Body system. The HTMA pattern is a summation of how different Life Style Factors are affecting a person. These 5 life style factors are:
All of these life style factors together have a significant effect on the nutrient minerals that appear in an HTMA test. This effect is observable in the unique nutrient mineral patterns of a person’s HTMA.
There are two major minerals (magnesium and copper) that are rarely assessed by any other laboratory tests besides the HTMA, yet research has shown that these two minerals are vital in supporting good health, energy, and vitality.
An extensive body of research shows how important magnesium is for supporting good health. Magnesium deficiency undermines energy production leaving people fatigued and exhausted. Magnesium is vital for hundreds of important enzymes for the body to function optimally. Magnesium is essential for maintaining a healthy heart rhythm and is nature’s anti-stress nutrient. Major health risks associated with substantial magnesium deficiency are sudden massive fatal heart attacks, serious glucose regulation problems, and anxiety and depression.
A person’s magnesium status can be strongly impacted by intense stress, either physical or psychological. Also, too much calcium and vitamin D can bring on a significant magnesium deficiency. A HTMA helps to explain how these magnesium deficiency effects can occur. There is a strong reciprocal relationship between stress and magnesium. Stress is reflected in the HTMA sodium (Na) level and the stress ratio (Na/K). This is why the HTMA is so vital when choosing supplements including such an important mineral like magnesium.
Health problems with copper are more complicated to explain. Fast metabolizers usually have an absolute copper deficiency, i.e., their HTMA copper level is below the ideal HTMA copper level. Slow metabolizer individuals, especially females, usually have excess stored copper that is often referred to as “copper toxicity”. However, the overall effect of the excess stored copper on the slow metabolizers’ mineral pattern is such that they can’t efficiently utilize copper metabolically. Therefore, in effect, they also experience a deficiency of copper even though they store an excess of copper. Fast and slow metabolizers respond differently to copper supplementation so determining your metabolic type and copper status through a HTMA is very important.
During the 40 + years that I have been thinking about health and the mind/body's mineral system, some new thoughts and perspectives have occurred to me as I prepared to do another podcast on hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) on June 5th. The HTMA is not just another lab test like blood or urine tests. Yes, HTMA is a lab test, but it is much more than that. To understand and properly interpret HTMA lab tests requires a unique set of concepts and principles that is like acquiring a whole new language and perspective on what supports good health. It's analogous to the conceptual difference between viewing the earth as flat or round.
Most people's understanding of health and disease is like the flat earth point of view. It will work in certain situations and applications, but it is still too limited and, eventually, no longer makes sense. The few of us who have studied and learned the HTMA concepts and principles developed by my mentors, Drs. Paul Eck and David Watts have transitioned into the "earth is round" viewpoint. These are such different conceptual frameworks that it is next to impossible to communicate with believers in a flat earth. These worldviews are just too far apart to effectively communicate about the incredible mineral and health breakthrough that Drs. Eck and Watts achieved 45 years ago. With their greater understanding of HTMA lab tests, they also advanced nutrition and health science to a whole new level.
As Dr. Henry Schroeder observed "minerals are the sparkplugs of life." They are the foundation of health functions since minerals regulate the nervous system, the energy producing endocrine glands, and the immune system. Drs. Eck and Watts also introduced the concept of mineral balancing using HTMA lab tests as a guide to selecting nutritional supplements that were most needed by each individual at a particular point in time.
The videos and powerpoint slide programs that I have created to teach the Eck/Watts conceptual framework applied to HTMA lab tests have helped countless numbers of people move from the "flat earth" view of health and disease to the "round earth" view. This transition makes a world of difference in how we view the health/disease world and how we deal with it.
As I pointed out in my Galileo/HTMA article above, the concepts and principles applied to understanding and properly interpreting HTMAs provide us with what amounts to a whole new understanding of the role of minerals in supporting so many different health functions. This is like learning a completely new health "language" that is far different from what Rachel has described as the "allopathic thinking disorder". When we understand this new HTMA health language, then we can easily think in terms of minerals and mineral dynamics. When we try to communicate with other people who still cling to the allopathic thinking disorder, it is virtually impossible to effectively communicate with them. They simply don't have the "language" to understand what we are talking about. In this context, it is a waste of time to show your HTMA to your medical doctor, psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, etc. because most of them don't know as much about HTMAs as you do. HTMAs are unique laboratory tests. Health care practitioners who have been trained to use blood and urine tests simply lack the proper training to understand HTMAs.
If HTMA concepts and principles were incorporated into health education from the jr. high level up through high school and college, millions more people would have a solid basic understanding that would empower them to really take charge of their nutrition and personal health care. We would have a much healthier population enjoying good health and vitality throughout their life span.
Balancing minerals is a key concept here and has been for over 40 years thanks to the ground-breaking HTMA research of Drs. Eck and Watts. The epidemic of copper toxicity adds to the complexity of magnesium supplementation because so many women (as well as some males) have a low Na level, a very low Na/Mg ratio (adrenals), and a very high Ca/Mg ratio. A basic understanding of the dynamics of the mind/body mineral system is essential for understanding individual differences in response to supplementing with magnesium.
Rick Malter discussing recent update to his best-selling book on HTMA, Strands of Health, that includes new information. He shares his own personal experience about the life saving potential of hair analysis saving.
If you have HTMA labs done by another lab, Dr. Malter is happy to take a look at those labs and give his professional opinion with recommendations.
This training class is for those who want to learn more about minerals, HTMA and how it affects health and stress.
Dr. Malter teaches HTMA training courses for health professionals. He also offers seminars for the public on various aspects of HTMA and nutrition. Dr. Rick Malter is a leading expert in using hair tissue mineral analysis. In 2002, he published his seminal book The Strands of Health: A Guide to Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis. He also has published several articles on HTMA in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine since 1994, and continues to do research, publish, and consult on HTMA.
A Guide to Understanding Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. The purpose of this book is to present a new and different paradigm that offers people a way to improve and maintain their health and quality of life. This paradigm focuses on looking at the relationship between stress, energy, and nutrition in health maintenance. This approach is based on understanding the importance of balance among our essential nutrient minerals and the critical regulating functions they perform both physiologically and psychologically. This knowledge applies to everyone, not just those who are sick or have some type of diagnosed ailment. This new approach offers great promise for reversing adverse health trends and maintaining health at a very high level. It is very empowering to most people who want to take greater responsibility and control over their life and their health.
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Magnesium and the Heart
On Sunday, Feb.23rd, Dr. Rick will present an updated seminar on magnesium and the heart at 3:30 pm Mountain time. This will be a Zoom presentation. Register using this link Magnesium and the Heart. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.